Though an army besiege me,my heart shall not fear....

...though war break out against me,even then will i be confident. -Psalm 27:3

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ok,so who (out of the 2 people who read this thing) is a Bears fan? None! You all live in Seattle?!? BAH!! XD lol.Five and 0! Is it just me or can you hear the Superbowl Shuffle too?yeah yeah,it's too soon to be saying all that jazz,but i can't help it!

Hey,I got my hair cut yesterday! not really short,just layered and a sort of bangs type thingy,lol.Nate and Derek were mad but i don't really care what they say,haha.

mmmm,me Ma and i just made apple pie,and it's in the oven right now.Our house smells like pie!Yum....

So yeah i know,i got bad with teh updates again *hangs head* Oh well.

......i'm gonna go eat pie now...cyas


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm... The bears are lame. I think. I don't really know. I like college football not pro.

I want to see your hair. Please send me a picture.

Pi? "Pi's r 2" <- nerd speak.

You are pretty bad with the updates, you need to work on it dude.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Ashlily said...

E: AHHHHHHH!!!! you see this face? *shows you scary face* this face means you have just esploded my BRAIN!!Da Bears are awsome *sniffle* you're mean ='(

kk,i'll send it in my next e-mail,i really like it.The lady who cut it...not so much XP

hmmm,is that pi x radius squared? Blech,i don't like math.

I dooooo,it makes me sad.I'm just too boring =P

J.J. : i'll send you some pics too!
We do,that would be fun....'ll have to come here and get some of our pie!! lol =D

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um dont follow football much but you should know that as a chicago sports team the bears have no chance at winning anything for another like 25 years (the sox just won something and no chicago team can win something big within 20 to 30 years of a team winning something). sorry to crush your dreams.

2:07 PM  

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