Though an army besiege me,my heart shall not fear....

...though war break out against me,even then will i be confident. -Psalm 27:3

Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm lame!

As i'm sure most of you already knew. I majorly suck at posting on a regular basis.Regular basis being more than once a month.Well news news....We bought an awsome camera from one of the guys my Da works with,it's pretty sweet.Oh My Da got a maneger's job at IHB so now he has a schedual,which majorly roxzorz.He has to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day,which sucks.He gets home at 6pm on CHristmas Eve so we'll prolly have to open presents and all that jazz then.We rearranged all our funiture today to make room for the Christmas tree,which i expect we will be getting tomorrow or the day after.We usually go to this little tree farm and cut one down. And now some random quotes from friends that prolly only make sense to meeee! Those are always fun,lol.

"Girl!.....Boy?" - Salty Dog
"Give us the shoe or the glove gets it!" - Tuna
"Duck-glue!" - Monty
"Welchums,If ya know what i mean,On E-bay,Cause that's how we roll." Chrissyzor
(While contemplating why one kid was nicknamed Toast) "Cause if you put butter on 'im it'd melt ralla faast" - Marissazzz

ok,that was fun. In other news i am really really pissed at Rex Grossman.I mean WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THAT DUDE!!!??? Some of those passes there weren't even any Bears around there!! Grar!!! My new Favorite player,though, Is now Devin Hester.That kid Rocks! sadly thought He and Brian don't quite make up for Rex the Hex >=( Grar....grar...
......WhY dO i RaNdOmLy CaPiTaLiZe LeTtErS iN tHe MiDdLe Of WoRdS?/?/?......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know. Why?

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh. (and that's a good thing)

See, you shouldn't put your faith in football teams. I know. *sniff* the Cougs really let me down. I don't care about the Seahawks, it's not as exciting as college football.

Anyway, those were some random quotes.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had a friend named tuna. =(

4:00 PM  

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