Though an army besiege me,my heart shall not fear....

...though war break out against me,even then will i be confident. -Psalm 27:3

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fun Times

Man,My friends are either really awsome or complete dorks,lol.I can never choose between those two!I went to a basketball game with some of those same friends last night,and oh my gee! it was so..i don't even know how to discribe it,lolol! one of my friends came to pick my lil bro and i up in a tux(he was in the choir thing),but then we he dropped us off he was in his pajamas! What is that??!!!?? haha,after he sang he went and changed out of the tux. As he got out of the car he was like,oh no! i look like a hobo! it was really funny,cause he actually did.And the other one was in the pep band,so he was sitting over there the whole game.I did get to talk to him on the way there/home,so that was cool.well,after he changed my one friend(monty) left his tux,and backpacks in one of the other rooms.Well,the janitor locked the doors while we were watching the game,soooo he wasn't very happy,lol.The other friend (Vlad) had left something in there also i guess,because when Monty was searching for him he had some guy give him a paper clip,aaaand he picked the lock on the door.lololol,Monty walked by and saw Vlad in there,he was like how'd you get in there??????Vlad was just like oh i picked the lock.My brother and i just looked at eachother and burst out laughing,cause we have the wierdestest friends ever! lol.I'm going to another friend's b-day party on tuesday so i'll prolly post about that then.I was just talking to her on IM,and she was babbling about being a mouse and no one can hear her and then she made her text size huge and was like OHHHH I FEEL LIKE I"M YELLING AT YOUUUUUU!!!!! I was just like,ooooh my geeee XD



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow first comment... i should have gone to that basketball game... i wanted to play in the pep band like the good old days. oh well i shall have to wait for another chance.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Elyse said...

Sounds fun. I miss hanging out with friends and laughing my head off, I need to do that more often... =D

An apology is offered for my lack of email. I'm soooooorry!

When are you coming to visit Jaho!!!??? You need to come sometime.

Oh and I'll be cheering for the Bears on Sunday, only because you are my friend and they are your team... I would expect the same from you! LOL. ;)

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I have tried several times to comment and they have all been rejected for some reason. I wonder if this one will go through.

10:34 PM  

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