Though an army besiege me,my heart shall not fear....
...though war break out against me,even then will i be confident.
-Psalm 27:3
Extreeeeeme! Extreme daaaaays!
Man i love tobyMac. he played Jesus Freak and extreme days as an encore at World Pulse Fest.It was awsome!!! Yes,i know DC Talk originally did those songs,i'm not compleatly retarded,lol.Oh i also love Kids In The Way!!! I'm listening to Yahoo Radio so yeah.....Church was awsome this morning.We had a guest speaker,Dun Gordy,he was great.He was really funny too.They had a potluck afterwards so the Capn and I stayed for that,I dunno about him but i had a lot of fun.The Schnoors brought Lee too,dude i haven't seen him in like 2 years! He and Tina together were HILARIOUS!! It was much much funs.Hey i'm doin pretty good with teh updating,wouldn't you agree? Well,better than i did with the other one XP hehe. Meh! I'm hungry,and it's dinner times. cyas!
and here we have the great wall of snot-rags,built in 2006!
GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I hate hate hate being sick! hate it! Now as you might have guessed i'm sick *kri* :'( Oh and i also hate hate hate hate albuterol.I would rather have to drink 5 gallons of robutussin(sp? we didn't have any so i couldn't check) than one capful of albuterol.Also it's horrible to be a homeschooler when you're sick,cause you still have to do your work :( man,this sucks I doubt i'll be able to go to Youth Group on wednesday either.And i need to talk to my Salty Dog too,i heard there was major flooding where around where they live.* sigh* I think i'll go sit in the used-kleenex castle i've built and read my books,ciao ciao
P.S. sorry i'm being so lame,i get grumpy when i'm sick.....
Renessance Faire
So yeah we went to Ren fair yesterday.It was the last day and there were a ton of people,it was way better last year.It wasn't very fun.We saw "Dirk and Guido the swordsmen".They were pretty funny.The prices were insane though,3.50 for a cup of pop! As i said insane.The costumes they were selling were pretty cool though.They had like dresses and cloaks and shirts and boots and just a ton of stuff.there were a bunch of people who were way out of the timeline though like dressed up as pirates and harem girls and stuff,they didn't make much sense.Trav got a wooden sword and sheath and i got a henna tattoo of a pheonix or falcon thing on my arm,it looks neat.I thought it was interesting to watch her draw it.But yeah all in all i could have done without.
In other news Steve Irwin is dead.I was surprised yet also not when i heard that.Apparently he was stung by a sting ray in the heart.Only 2 other people have ever died that way.Hmmm...