Though an army besiege me,my heart shall not fear....

...though war break out against me,even then will i be confident. -Psalm 27:3

Sunday, February 04, 2007


I'm really excited right now,because one of my favorite webcomics just started updating again after an 8 month hiatus. Yay! i updated my profile too,cause i was really bored.I saw an awsome shirt today,it said Legolas is my House Elf,lolol. I was dying!....of..laughter..ya know..umm..yeah.Anakin Skywalker is staring at me and it's really creepy...maybe i should just turn the cup around...*does just that* ahh much better!Oh crud,now Darth Vader is staring at me! i dunno which is creepier!! I want this bumper sticker i saw once like LAST YEAR!! Jeeze that was such a long time ago! anyway it said "Come to the dark side....We have cookies!" i was like OH..My..Gee..then i died......*looks at your disbeliving face* WHAT!?!? I got better! XP DUDE!!! I just got up to get a glass of extra refreshing milk and i totally almost kiiled my self on my little brother's skatebored!!!!...In case you didn't notice i'm seeing how many times i can die within one far by my count it's 35....what's your count? hehe.Aww,man i really wanna go out and take some pictures...i haven't done that in sooooooo long =( the Capn is at a Leper/Manufracture concert right now...i didn't have any money soooo i didn't go,lol.Don't you think it's hilarious that the French have perfected the art of running away?? they have exactally 1 (one) martial's called Parkour,and pretty much the whole point of it is to keep running no matter what's in your way.hmmmm,lol.I'm not saying it's stupid or anything,it's actually really cool,and is used in a ton of games and movies and stuff.It looks pretty nifty too.I just think it's pretty funny. I should learn Parkour....what do you think???Dude i am so out of shape just thinking about ME learning any kind of sport/martial art is laughable!I should learn kenpo or something where i can wear those HUGE pants! those things are so sweet! jk,once again,laughable! ohhh man...a girl can dream can't she??? lol



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You posted on the day of the Super Bowl and not a word was said about it..... WITH ALL THE TALK YOU MADE ABOUT YOUR TEAM. *humph*

Anyway......... Dude. You should learn to do Yoga, just for the stretching. I was doing that yesterday and I'm so sore my stomach hurts!!!!! Anyway, it's super good for flexiblity. I am not flexible. I almost died. (so far I've only died once in this comment).

Anakin Skywalker is creepier than Darth Vader. Hands down. You know that Darth Vader can crush you if you bug him but Anakin? Anakin will crush you if you offer him a strawberry smoothie when he really wanted a kiwi smoothie. He is unpredictable.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was devinatly a 1:00 in the mornig post!!! ;)
you talked about so much. from darth vader to anikin to killing yourself to martial arts in fraaaance. and you also mentioned thet u were out of shape.
i mught be not as in shape as i should be. lets work out together. ill run to your house and u run to mine. and well meet inthe middle. and congradulate each other and rest and then run home. it would be a great work out. ;)

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes getting a glimpse into your mind is scary (kinda like being locked in a room with travis). somehow though i still enjoyed the post. im tired...

1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ashlilly, you can comment on your own blog you know. It's not any breach of ethics or anything. I do it all the time, so it must be okay. :P

9:51 PM  
Blogger Ashlily said...

Elyse: I totally posted this wayyyyy before the Super Bowl.I would have said something but i was too excited to see how we would do,lol.

Now i really want a Kiwi Smoothie,heh

Anonymous: lolol,wow is it that easy to tell?? I pretty much just typed out an excerpt of my train of thought,lol.scary huh?

Petey the hobo:*rofl* dude you have no idea,i used to share a room with him. I thought i was gonna die(a bajillion times!) HE NEVER SHUTS UP!!!!! oh it was either one of us dies or i get my own room,lol.

Jaho: I totally just laughed sooo hard when i read Breach of Ethics,lolol,i don't know why but i thought it was super funny.Hey! I think SOMEBODY owes me an e-mail! lol

12:08 PM  

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